“For some us, traditional medical compression garments don’t work well for managing our swelling and pain. After changing from trying to contain my swelling from lymphedema, a condition I developed after cancer treatments, to focusing on improving my lymphatic system's function with Active Massage compression, my life changed.
When I put on my Active Massage® compression garments they instantly help me feel better. They alleviate the heavy and achy sensations I experience and help reduce the swelling in my affected areas.”
~ Sue Callison (Founder | Wearer)
First let me say, one type of compression garment is NOT better than the other. Each takes a different approach to dealing with swelling and discomfort. The question is, which type of compression garment is best for you long term? With conditions that cause swelling, consistently wearing compression garments is very important to help keep fluid from building up in your tissues. The more stagnant fluid that builds up, the more your condition will go from being something frustrating but manageable to something completely life debilitating.
What Active Massage® Compression Garments Do
Active Massage® compression garments are designed to support the natural function of your lymphatic system. They manually help stimulate superficial lymphatic vessels to promote lymph drainage, similar to MLD (manual lymph drainage massage). Active massage garments are designed to clear lymphatic pathways and help superficial lymphatic vessels take in fluid to reduce swelling and the discomfort it can cause.
How Active Massage® Compression Garments Work
Unlike traditional compression, Active Massage compression garments have a patented 3D raised wave knit on the interior of the fabric. This innovation, combined with lower graduated compression (not as tight as traditional therapeutic compression), stimulates microcirculation and lymph drainage. The garments make an imprint on your skin and through natural body movement, the uneven pressure caused by this combination creates the massage effect.
Why Active Massage® Is Not Available In Higher Compression
You will not find high compression in Active Massage® compression garments because they are working to enhance fluid movement through the superficial lymphatic capillaries and vessels. These vessels run on very low pressure so, too much compression can actually cause them to collapse, leaving them unable to fully do their job.
The focus of Active Massage® compression garments is to use the patented 3D stretch, wave knit on the inside of the fabric to help move fluid and reduce swelling and discomfort.
An individual must be able to move around in order to receive the massage effect created by the Active Massage® compression garments.
I've been wearing Active Massage compression for a pretty long time now to help alleviate my swelling and discomfort. Let me say, it has saved my quality of life. Here is a before and after picture to show why I'm so dedicated to sharing these garments with others like myself who struggle every day.®
What Traditional Medical Compression Garments Do
The goal of traditional therapeutic compression garments is to use strong pressure to constrict the affected area. This helps keep stagnant fluid from building up in your tissues. The graduated compression helps propel fluid through the deeper lymphatic and venous channels to improve circulation.
In relation to swelling reduction, traditional compression garments are designed to help maintain the gains made during therapy and/or keep the affected area from increasing in size. They are not designed to reduce swelling although this can happen.
Who Traditional Compression Garments Are Best For
Traditional compression garments are helpful for people who have very limited lymphatic function (not easy to control the swelling). Your body needs help keeping as much excess fluid out of the affected area as possible. Without the mechanisms to get that fluid out, your affected area will continue to swell. Also, if you are immobile or require custom garments to fit your affected area, than traditional compression garments are for you.
The focus of traditional compression garments is to use high compression to contain the affected area and hold the swelling.
All the information and content on solideaus.com and the My Lymphedema Life Facebook page are intended for general medical and health information and educational purposes only.
Sue Callison (founder of solideaus.com) is not a doctor or healthcare professional, she is someone who has lymphedema. Sue has spent, since 2009, dealing with lymphedema, learning about the lymphatic system and figuring out ways to keep her lymphedema under control.
None of the information is intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment or care. Solidea US makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the appropriateness, timeliness, accuracy, completeness and/or usefulness of the information and content contained in our websites or on our Facebook pages.