Unfortunately, traveling can put a real strain on our lymphedema. Here are some tips to help!
1. The number one way to keep a handle on your lymphedema while traveling is to wear compression garments. I feel way more relaxed traveling in my Solidea Active Massage compression garments because I know I'm helping my body move any excess fluid that traveling may cause.3. Take deep belly breaths to help keep your lymph system moving.
4. Drink water and stay hydrated.
5. Sitting in one spot for too long can increase your swelling.* If you’re flying or traveling by train or bus, take a few bathroom breaks (even if you don’t have to go). If you’re driving, hit a couple of rest stops on the way so you can get out and move around.
*When you travel, it’s common for feet to swell. If you are at risk for this, don't take your shoes off because the increased swelling could make it very difficult to put them back on. Another option is to wear adjustable shoes so if your feet swell, you can adjust your shoes to fit.
6. Even in cramped spaces remember to move around. Stretch your arms above your head and side to side, wiggle your fingers and toes, rotate your wrists, do lower leg lifts, etc.
7. Avoid carrying heavy bags as much as possible. Use a cart if you're a big packer. Remember, if you have lymphedema in your arm, don't carry your bags by the shoulder straps on that side. Cutting off and constricting lymph vessels in the already compromised area may increase swelling.
8. Keep anything important for managing your lymphedema with you or in your carry-on. You should be able to access your compression garments, moisturizer and supplies (including a small first aid kit for any accidental cuts) at all times.
9. Keep a list of emergency contacts, medications and your doctor's information so you’re ready for anything that comes your way.
Disclaimer: This blog is for general information purposes only. Furthermore, information contained in this blog is not a substitute for medical advice – always consult a licensed healthcare professional for advice on your specific condition.